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Showing posts from August, 2013


Feeling... overall, happy with life, postponed dreams aside.  I have 2 wonderful men who love me back, 3 awesome kitties who I adore, a home that I love, and a kitchen full of food to cook. Post-it note doodle Thinking... about where I am now in life compared to where I thought I would be when I was a recent college graduate.  I haven't given up all my dreams but I will be older when I finally achieve them. :) Watching...   all the Netflix!  (*giggle*)  Not really, but I am catching up on shows I never watched when they were on originally.  Right now, I am going through Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Alias.   Now that I've reached season 4 of Buffy , I am going to also start watching Angel .  On the YouTubes, I am watching Good Eats ... can you believe I'd never seen it before?! As for "live" TV, I'm watching Project Runway, Top Chef Masters, MasterChef, InkMasters, MythBusters, and Breaking Bad.   I say "live" because we actual...

I'll (Bent)Go Anywhere for Chipotle BBQ

Yeah, it's a stupid title but I make no apologies because it makes me giggle. :) Anyone who knows me really well knows I have an obsession with a few different things: office supplies, cookbooks, saving empty jars, and lunch boxes/lunch box systems, to name the top 4.  I have enough notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. hoarded that I could probably supply an entire grade for the school year.  Okay, it's maybe not quite that bad.  Maybe.  But... ahem... that's not what this post is about. One of my favorite lunching systems that I've found is from BentGo (and no, I am not a professional blogger nor do I get sponsors nor do they even know I am writing about them).  It's like a bento box (which falls under the lunch box system category of my obsession and I *may* own more than one) but I feel it's a little more user-friendly for a Western diet. And, of course, I have all 4 colors. :-D This is what it looks like when I bring it to work: The nestle together ni...

How I Recipe

Before I begin, I *know* that there are a lot of digital programs for keeping track of recipes and that it'd be easier to print them or bookmark them for looking at later.  I know this.  I am fully aware of it and briefly even explored various digital options.  However, the method I use for collecting and keeping track of recipes I want to try works for ME.  These are my "essentials": Notebook Binder for recipes I want to try Recipe cards for recipes I want to keep/make again Binder for recipe cards When I come across a recipe I want to try, I write it in my notebook.  The reason I don't just save them off or print them is this keeps me from collecting every single recipe I come across.  If I don't think it's worth taking the time to write down, chances are very good I won't make it.  That's one of the main reasons I am analog instead of digital.  I need a way to limit myself. :) When I copy down a recipe, I always put the website ...

Looking Saucy and Cooking Sauces

Not a super lot has been going on except the usual cooking and... oh!  I got sunglasses! Singing along to the radio... don't worry.  I'm not driving.  I'm sitting in my driveway. :) I know that seems like a silly thing to get excited about but since I've been wearing glasses since I was 10, cool sunglasses have always just been a dream.  When I was younger, the choices of frames for prescription sun specs (that were cheap since money was tight) were far too dorky for even my dorky self.  I did have a pair of regular ones but, of course, I couldn't see if I wore them.  I also had a pair of clip-ons that were for driving only because... egads.  Awful!  But I still couldn't easily afford prescription ones because I didn't have that sort of luxury money laying around. These are similar to the ones I had in junior high except the arms of those were pink... and I couldn't see when I wore them. But then I discovered Firmoo !  First time ...