I love me. I do! Not in a conceited, narcissistic kind of way but in that I am quite happy, for the most part, with WHO I am. I can tell you for a fact, though, that this has only become a fairly recent thing. Even as a young child, I was "different" from the other kids. Elementary school was not so bad. High school was the worst! The teasing was unbearable sometimes. By the time I was 16, I just didn't want anyone to notice me anymore. I wanted to fade into the background. It was only at home in my room that I felt like it was okay to do the things I wanted to do, like cut out pictures by Rembrandt to put on my walls or to make silly pictures out of construction paper. I was never the girl with all the beefcake and music posters in her room. This continued through college and most of my adult years. During college, though, I realized that I was a good person. I wasn't quite the freak everyone in high school made me out to be. It was okay to be different and unique a...